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5 Secret Ways Your Intuition is Speaking to You

Many of us weren’t taught how to embody and use our personal power.

We’ve been conditioned to seek answers outside ourselves, through others opinions, books, google searches, and concepts like astrology and human design.

While these tools can be helpful and give you some information, they’re not your ultimate source of truth. The truth is that when you take responsibility for your wounds and emotions, you reclaim your power.

This level of accountability is challenging but necessary to begin a trusting relationship with your intuition.

Your intuition is a powerful, yet gentle compass guiding you through life’s complexities. Because this inner voice is so subtle, it’s easy to overlook the signals that it broadcasts due to the noise of everyday life. 

The goal, however, as you awaken more and more is to:

1) Recognize this voice

2) Trust the subtle signals it sends

These two steps are a major key in unlocking your intuitive guidance.

Here are five secret ways your intuition is already speaking to you.

1. Heightened Emotional Nudging

Have you ever experienced a "soft but strong" nudge, idea, or push to go in a certain direction?

That gentle whisper is your intuition. Often, it’s not loud or dramatic. It’s quiet, requiring you to slow down and listen. 

When you feel these nudges, honor yourself deeply. It will be very uncomfortable as first to follow some of what it suggests, often triggering doubt, however, by allowing yourself to really feel your emotions inside of this nudge and process them, you open up a flow of energy.

It is this flow that then offers you the choice to follow a different path. Inner spiritual healing is not about being positive or knowing what to do all of the time.

It's actually about facing your inner density and clearing the toxic debris that clogs you internally so that you can actually feel these inner nudges.

By processing through your emotions within the nudge, you can then create the space for clarity, and your intuition’s voice becomes stronger.

2. Listening to Your Gut Feeling

Your gut often knows the truth before your mind does! That feeling of unease or extreme comfort in your stomach can be an intuitive signal.

Pay attention to it, especially when making decisions. These gut feelings are your body’s way of communicating what your soul already knows.

Pay extra attention to your gut's guidance and you will for sure begin to open up this channel even more. If the feeling is persistent when dealing with certain people, listen.

If you keep feeling the same way about an event, listen. Or if the same emotional sequence arises about a situation, listen. This is the key to unlocking your intuition even more, listen.

3. Unexpected Clarity During Emotional Release

When you face your emotions head-on, something magical happens.

The second you allow yourself to feel, without looping in "what if" scenarios or "I should have" patterns, your emotions begin to move. As these emotions move, you get to experience the release, and that means the energy behind the emotion clears and opens.

This creates blissful sensations, just waiting to come through. Spiritual healing work doesn’t always feel good at the beginning, as you’re trudging through it, but it’s imperative to move through this density for your highest evolution.

By committing to this deep inner work, you clear the way for intuition to flow freely after the release.

4. Recurring Dreams or Symbols

These moments where you begin to see recurring "themes" as we will call them will often carry intuitive insights.

Whether it's in the dream space during your sleep or in your everyday life, they can be a source of useful information. What if these symbols are clues on how to exfoliate outdated patterns in your life?

What if that dream carried a deeper message about what you are being called to do next? These themes are aligning your energy for a leap into a higher timeline?

Take note of these signs and trust their meaning, your intuition is likely working to get your attention.

5. The Unshakable "Knowing"

Sometimes, intuition shows up as a deep, unshakable knowing. It doesn’t come with evidence or reasoning, it just is. There's an element of deep truth in this crevice of your soul, which holds all your treasures of knowing.

This type of intuitive "knowing" signal often feels peaceful yet firm. This firmness and unshakeable feeling creates a confidence field (of energy) around what you are sensing and makes it easier to latch onto it.

I encourage you to trust yourself deeper than you have before, as this trust creates the pathway deep into the crevice of your soul.

Now that you know the 5 subtle and secret ways your intuition is already speaking to you, it is time to truly and deeply honor your emotions - as this is the key to tapping into this inner wisdom.

By treating your present-moment feelings as friends, rather than enemies, you strengthen your emotional intelligence.

As you strengthen your emotional intelligence, you clear the way for your intuition to shine. When you begin to shine the gift of your intuition, you strengthen the electrical impulse (life-force) that fires in between your heart beats and translates into personal power in your human existence. 

When you commit to inner clearing work and activate your true soul center, you’ll find that your intuition becomes an even more reliable tool.

Trust the signals your intuition sends, and honor the emotions that come with them.

The path to freedom begins with allowing yourself to feel, heal, and ultimately trust the wisdom you already hold inside.

If you still need help building your spiritual toolbox and becoming a master carpenter who can take on any "issue" and build masterpiece, check out our Spiritual Life Coach Certification.

I’m so passionate about taking people through this spiritual healing curriculum that can turn your inner world into a masterpiece. It is here where I get to show you not only why these tools become lifelines, but how to use them for the rest of your life. 

If you want to learn more, you can watch a free training on how we can unlock these old shadows and create room for the light to truly shine through your life.

Becoming a radiant beacon of light guided by your intuition is in your future if you want!

You can do this! 

With Light,

Sophie Frabotta, M.A.

Author, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Healer

Sneaky Ways Your Energy May Be Leaking

Hi! I am Sophie Frabotta. I am a heart-centered, soul leader who is so honored to be doing this work. With over 10,000 hours of 1-1 experience, a leader in the field of Spiritual Life Coaching, and a Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification – I teach students the depth of real transformation in a way that most have never seen. Having transformed my own body, mind and spirit, I am honored to take you into your inner chamber, show you how to lift out of karmic soul wounds and stabilize your higher vibration in 5D.


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