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The Spiritual Shift You Need to Unlock Your Abundance

Your vibration’s truest state is prosperity. Within every breath, you have a choice on what to focus on; the plentiful or the lack, "how things work out for you", or "how things always go wrong". It is your choice and every breath is a chance to reset your focus.

Spirituality plays a big role in living in this state of abundance. When you begin to understand that your purest and most aligned natural state is already abundant, it becomes easier to connect with. This field of abundance is just that - a field of energy that you are either holding yourself in, or out of. 

You may be wondering, despite your healing efforts, why you’re still not able to access the abundance you desire. But what if I told you that your soul is already acclimated to this frequency, but your body, mind, and emotions might just be blocking you?

That friction you feel—the inner sense that things don't work out, or nothing goes your way, or you never have enough - are all vibrational reminders that you're tuned to the wrong frequency. This is your old energy alerting you of where it is living. At this point, you can just fall back into a victim mindset, with the woe is me attitude, or you can see this alert as a gift.

Once you shift into seeing that what you are shown is always a gift, you can then change it. And while this may feel uncomfortable at first to make this shift, I encourage you to look at "these alarms" as an invitation to clear the blocks that are holding you in the lower frequency of lack.

I invite you to enter the mindset of abundance where anything connected to you - positively prospers.

Old Wounds Live Inside Your Cells

At the heart of this friction are your old wounds. These are the energetic blocks that live inside your cells, some of which you may have been carrying for years, or even lifetimes. When you want to bring in new energy it collides with these wounds and can feel like you’re being pulled in two different directions.

It’s tempting to dismiss these feelings as “just a bad day,” or blame it on external factors like the full moon or your birth chart, but the real invitation here is to take a deeper look into what is being triggered.

What if there’s a deeper truth? Consider that these old wounds and energetic patterns are revealing themselves so that you can clear them. This is not something to avoid or run from, but rather an opportunity to heal on a profound, cellular level!

The Root Wound

You can’t move into true abundance without addressing the inception point, the root of your pain, scarcity and addiction to lack.

This pain lives deep within your cells, vibrating in ways that block your flow of natural abundance. Think of a big tree that fell into a creek in a forest. That tree would then prohibit the natural flow of water. The water would have to travel and make its way around the tree to keep flowing. 

This is what our root wounds do to us. They make an obstacle course for your natural pure energy to flow through. So when we come in and pick up the tree trunk (inner healing), the energy does what it is designed to do - it just flows.  

Your Flow of Abundance

When you do this healing work and know how to unwind the energy that’s trapped at the cellular level—you allow this transmutation to occur.

That is where you create the space for your true pure abundance to begin to come in and effortlessly flow. There is a sacred vault of wisdom waiting to be unlocked within you, but it may be covered up by old dynamics, conditioning and patterns that have you believing that abundance is NOT your birthright.

This is when we catch it and change it, which is the beginning of learning to access your inner vault of abundance.

This is what helps you shift into higher consciousness.

From this higher perspective, abundance is not something you need to chase or grasp for. It becomes something you attract naturally, because your vibrational state is aligned with this high vibrating, free flowing energy. 

Your vibrational state is the key to creating, attracting, and magnetizing the abundance you seek. When you authentically lift your vibration by clearing out the old first, you activate your enthusiastic high energy that can begin to lead you straight into the vibration of abundance. And now that the old is gone the abundance has somewhere to grow within you. 

Clear the Path to Abundance

Might I just reiterate, that you must first do the deep spiritual work of clearing those old, hidden frequencies of lack patterns that keep you stuck, in order to fully experience these high abundant energetic waves. 

When you clear these blocks, you create even more space for new energy to flow freely. And this is where that abundance comes in. It’s not that abundance is eluding you—it’s that there’s no room for it to plant itself until you’ve done the deeper healing work.

So, the next time you feel that friction, don’t dismiss it. Instead, see it as an opportunity to clear the energy that’s holding you back from the abundance that’s already waiting for you. 

And if you're ready to take a step toward healing at a deeper level and unlocking the flow of abundance in your life, I invite you to explore a free playlist we have called Manifesting Intentions, you can get access to it on our free 33 Meditations page.

These meditations are designed to help you release old, stagnant energy, tap into your inner power, and recalibrate to higher frequencies! 

Your soul knows the way and your spiritual wealth lives within. When you activate your prosperity frequency you begin to omit the vibrational signal of enoughness, contentment in your lifestyle, and mindfulness in the little moments.

Right here, right now - I invite you to enter the mindset of abundance where anything connected to you, positively prospers.

This shift into prosperity will offer you a fullness and a trust that all your needs are always taken care of, one way or another. True vibrating prosperity is something you can control, that no one can take from you, it just has to be activated.

It is in your hands, you now have the key to unlock the door to bring your body, mind, and emotions into alignment with pure abundance. 

With Light,

Sophie Frabotta, M.A.

Author, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Healer

Sneaky Ways Your Energy May Be Leaking

Hi! I am Sophie Frabotta. I am a heart-centered, soul leader who is so honored to be doing this work. With over 10,000 hours of 1-1 experience, a leader in the field of Spiritual Life Coaching, and a Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification – I teach students the depth of real transformation in a way that most have never seen. Having transformed my own body, mind and spirit, I am honored to take you into your inner chamber, show you how to lift out of karmic soul wounds and stabilize your higher vibration in 5D.


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Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification. Step into the true you, heal alongside me, calibrate your energy into high vibrations, and turn your healing into someone else’s survival guide.


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