When you’re carrying soul wounds, trauma, and unprocessed life experiences, they don't just sit quietly in the background. They create blockages in your present-day life in ways that can feel overwhelming.
It’s like trying to move forward while dragging a heavy weight behind you—eventually, you realize that weight isn't just holding you back; it's shaping your entire experience of the present.
I carried that heavy weight for the first half of my life. It manifested in me as depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, with the burden being 60 pounds overweight. I felt stuck and powerless, but in the midst of that darkness, I made a promise to God, to the Creator, that if I could heal, I would spend the rest of my life helping others find their own path to healing!
And here I am, a living testament to what deep, alternative healing can do.
What Happens During Healing
When we hold onto false beliefs, unresolved wounds, unhealed injuries, or lingering regrets, they don’t just stay within our minds, physical body or hearts. They create physical distortions in our energy field, like kinks in a garden hose that restrict the flow of water.
Your body, much like the caboose on a train, follows wherever your energy field leads it. When your energy field is distorted, your body has no choice but to mirror that distortion.
Here’s the miracle: when you do the spiritual healing work to clear those distortions, your body, emotions, mind, and spirit have no choice but to respond to it, heal and then reflect that new state out into your present day life.
It’s like finally straightening out that garden hose—the flow of water is restored, and begins to flow again. This is exactly what happens in your life too.
As you deepen your connection with the Divine, your ability to receive what I call “upgrades” (a shift in consciousness that is reflected out in your reality) heightens. These upgrades often are a result deep inner healing through meditation, sleep, or even during moments of exercise. What happens is there is a healing sequence I engage with that involves facing this deep dark shadow, a sense of meeting that pain without trying to change it, sitting in the space of unconditional love with it, which eventually transmutes the wound. This is when I invite in Divine light, Higher Consciousness, and Soul awareness into the space. This new energy then becomes the upgrade your system has been waiting for.
This kind of healing sequence changes your core beliefs, which makes space for new energy to settle in. That’s when you’ll begin to see the signs of true healing taking root in your life.
Here are seven kinds of relief that true healing can bring:
A Sudden Positive Shift in Your Routine: You may find yourself naturally gravitating toward new habits or abandoning old ones that no longer serve you. It’s as if your soul knows what’s best, and now your actions are aligning with that wisdom.
Instant Knowing of What to Do Next: Clarity can come in a flash, and it carries a deep inner knowing that wasn’t there before. It’s a moment when all the noise quiets down, and you can finally KNOW your next steps.
Seeing Beyond the Time/Space Continuum: Your perspective expands, allowing you to perceive things outside the constraints of time and space. You begin to understand that healing isn’t just about this moment, it is connected to your soul essence in the past, present, and future you.
A Deepening of Love for the Collective and Yourself: Healing often brings about a profound sense of love—not just for yourself but for all of humanity. You start to see the interconnectedness of all beings and feel a deep compassion for the collective journey.
Improved Physical Health: As your energy field clears, your body may begin to heal in unexpected ways. Chronic pain, fatigue, or other lingering physical symptoms can improve in big ways, leaving you feeling more vibrant and healthy.
Freedom from the Fear of the Unknown: As you heal on a deep level, the fear of the unknown diminishes. This is because you have developed a deep trust, and you have an inner faith in the way things are unfolding, knowing that you are supported and guided by a higher power. This trust creates freedom and allows you to move forward with confidence, embracing the future with open arms.
Emotional Balance and Resilience: Emotional rollercoasters become less frequent as healing brings a newfound sense of inner stability to navigate the heavier emotions more quickly. You’re better equipped to handle life’s ups and downs, responding with grace and calmness rather than being overwhelmed by your emotions.
Healing is not a one-time event; it’s a process! You can learn about the two types of wounds that you are healing here.
As you continue to walk this spiritually awakening path, you’ll find that this kind of relief true healing brings isn’t just temporary—it’s deeply transformative. It’s a huge shift in your entire being, allowing you to live in alignment with your highest self, free from the distortions of the past.
The most powerful way to actually begin this work is by having a guide who can safety and effectively walk you into your inner chambers and show you how to do this deeper healing work.
With have several ways to work with me Sophie, but what I would suggest is that you check out our Spiritual Life Coach Certification, as this container gives you the deep healing and a way to integrate these tools into your life.
Whether you want to become a full time spiritual coach or just want to bring deeper meaning and connection into your already established career. You can begin by taking our free workshop called: Awaken Your Healing Guide.
Once you become consistent with this inner work, I believe that your soul will lead you to beautiful opportunities, people and experiences that will assist you into getting into this next level of you!
With Light,
Sophie Frabotta, M.A.
Author, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Healer
Hi! I am Sophie Frabotta. I am a heart-centered, soul leader who is so honored to be doing this work. With over 10,000 hours of 1-1 experience, a leader in the field of Spiritual Life Coaching, and a Globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification – I teach students the depth of real transformation in a way that most have never seen. Having transformed my own body, mind and spirit, I am honored to take you into your inner chamber, show you how to lift out of karmic soul wounds and stabilize your higher vibration in 5D.