I am Sophie Frabotta, and I am devoted to helping you navigate through the terrain of your inner healing. Through this journey together, you will be moved through your most raw, deep, and cherished inner spaces to unlock hidden wounds and bring in deep healing restoration.
You will feel seen and heard in a way that will activate this inner feeling of safety! Once we establish this foundational inner shift from fear to safety, your spirit will feel alive, buzzing with enthusiastic excitement for what you can go on to co-create.
This work leads you through brave, powerful and heartfelt moments, where you come out the other side nourished and exhilarated with a new lease on life.
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I am here to help you find the most cherished part of yourself, that is just waiting to Awaken!

Two decades ago I sat at the end of my bed and cried out, "God, if you help me heal my life and find the light, I will dedicate my life and helping others do the same." And that is what you will see here, a raw, authentic, and passionate commitment to the healing work!

Over the last two decades, Sophie spent over 10,000 hours working with individuals in the one to one spiritual healing space. She also received her Master's Degree in Transpersonal Psychology with a specialty in Spiritual Psychology from Sofia University in Palo Alto, California in 2016. Transpersonal Psychology is a holistic approach to psychotherapy, and studies human potential + the possibility of having peak experiences after one has done the deep psychological and spiritual healing work.
Combining experience with her academia, Sophie had an epiphany on how one moves through the healing process and actually finds freedom, which turned into her revolutionary process called The 4 R's Method©.
The 4 R's stands for: Recognize, Release, Reprogram, and Radiate, which is the purposeful process that most move through as they heal. Sophie describes, "we recognize their root wound (not the presenting problem), release that stale energy, reprogram the space with new mindsets, and then they radiate new higher vibrational energy out into their life." The four R's method is commonly described as: "my way to freedom and my intentional aha process."
This became her revolutionary process and has transformed the lives of thousands, taking clients and students from bound by their wounds to a state of freedom!
Sophie is the creator of 4 distinguished healing methods, The 4 R's Method©, Cellular Alchemy,© Anxiety Calming Technique© and Emotional Metamorphosis©. These methods each offer a unique breakthrough process that takes someone from wounded to freedom.
"I have read so many books and spoken to healers, counselors who recommend raising your awareness and then never explaining how to do this at all. In just one week, Sophie gave me the method to complete my Toolbox. I never realized where I was getting stuck with the work until I went through the 4 R's method, truly life changing."
"Sophie has a way of shining a flashlight to the hidden dark spaces in your soul, revealing the fragments that need to be healed and put back together to be whole. She is the perfect mentor and teacher for spiritual healing as she is brilliant at getting to the root. I would have never found and healed if it wasn't for Sophie. Truly the soul whisperer and always responded so quickly. Love her!"
"Thank you for being with me, with us, with so many, through our individual and collective journey. I am grateful that I answered the call of my soul and heart to work with you Sophie. The fruit has been divine and abundant. You are a delight to work with. I appreciate your heart, your soul, your purpose, and your light. Thank you."
Work With Sophie
Recognized as a distinguished figure in the realm of Spirituality with an impressive track record of over 10,000 hours of one-on-one experience, a globally recognized Spiritual Life Coach Certification, and called one of "Instagram's Biggest Spiritual Influencers"; you are bound to shift just by being in Sophie's presence alone!